Making money as a teen is an important part of social life and being able to spend some cash. The usual thing a teen would do would be to go bag for groceries, cut grass, or referee for a sport. Now, there is way more opportunities for teens to make money. They all need a good work ethic, but they aren't a job that is based on physical labor.
1. Build a Blog
Building a blog has always been a favorite of mine. It's fun to write articles and you're self-employed. You can say anything or write about anything on your blog. Just build a blog on Blogger and put on some ads and if you continue to write good content, you will earn some extra cash. See my "How to Make Money Blogging" for a better guide to building a blog.
2. Sell Your Photos
Do you like to take photographs? Believe it or not many websites now buy your photos from you: , , , , How much money you make will depend on how high of value your photos are.
3. Sell Stuff on eBay
Selling stuff on eBay is a good way to earn some extra cash. This method could be a lasting business or just a quick way to make money.
4. Design Myspace Backgrounds
Design a website that sells your work and you will get started in no time.
5. Make a Garage Sale
If you have some stuff that you don't need anymore, this will be a great way to clean up the house and earn quick money.
6. Write Product Reviews
Writing product reviews is an easy way to make money. Ciao,, are all websites that allow you to write reviews for money.
None of these are get rich quick schemes, but they will get some extra cash laying around the house.